Acceptance: Why Its Ok to Be You

One thing I have learnt in my time is that one of the most profound experiences is learning to embrace every single part of ourselves. It's a deep, meaningful acceptance of our quirks, behaviors, loves, sexuality, and even the facets of ourselves we might not be so fond of.

It's about the journey towards saying, without a hint of hesitation, "This is me, and I am okay with who I am."

Its also very powerful when others accept you as well. When partners, family, friends, and even broader society embrace us for who we truly are, it reinforces a sense of belonging and validation that is fundamental to our well-being. It can be magical when you open up and someone accepts you for who you are.

This form of acceptance acts as a mirror, reflecting back the truth of our own worth. It can be very empowering. It tells us that our quirks, our loves, our true selves are not only seen but embraced.

Its important to remember that while this form of acceptance is enrichening it cannot be the sole foundation upon what our self worth should be built on. In my sessions with my clients I try to build their own self acceptance. With self acceptance, self esteem and confidence can grow.

Understanding and Accepting Your Quirks and Behaviors

We all have them - those little quirks and behaviors that make us uniquely ourselves. Maybe it's how you can't help but organise your books by colour, how you laugh at your own jokes, or the way you become engrossed in your passions. I think once you understand yourself you can really undertand how you work and what you need. This is where self care comes into the picture but thats another story.

Embracing Your Loves and Sexuality

Our loves and sexuality are integral components of our identity and a big part of our acceptance with ourselves and others. They shape how we connect with others and perceive ourselves. Accepting your loves means honoring the feelings you have. Embracing your sexuality, is crucial to acknowledging your true self. This aspect of acceptance is about allowing yourself to love and be loved genuinely, in ways that resonate with your deepest truths. Opening up this to others can be powerful when it is accepted.

Acknowledging the Good and the Bad

I love movies and I've learnt life isn't a two minute story on instagram. It's a full-length movie, its deep and complex with its share of plot twists and challenges. There are good times and yes there are bad times.

It's understanding that you can be incredibly resilient and vulnerable at the same time.

Recognising Your Strengths and Limiters

Accepting yourself means acknowledging not just your strengths but your flaws and limitations as well.

Knowing your strengths is empowering, but recognising your limiters are equally important. It's about understanding your capabilities and acknowledging that there are areas where you may need support or growth. Knowing what you excel at and also struggle with is the way to personal development.

Accepting your limiters doesn't mean resigning to them. It's the first step in learning to improve or learning to live with them.

"I am worthy, just as I am."

So, as we continue on our paths, let's commit to embracing every part of ourselves.

Let's celebrate our quirks, honour our loves, accept our sexuality, acknowledge our strengths and our limiters. This is the essence of the 'B U'.

"you have to be you."


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